
Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Havana Syndrome

This is intriguing though depressing.  There were reports for several years about strange sonics attacks experienced by staff at the US Embassy in Havana (and indeed some government workers in Washington DC).  Their were several investigations but at the time it was basically dismissed as being all "in their heads" and probably psychosomatic.  As far as I know the official government line hasn't changed, but the Guardian published a story with scientists/engineers who said that the symptoms in fact were entirely consistent with microwave weapons that they had been studying but largely dropped because they were unethical.  

While it is a bit of a stretch to link the imaginary vacuum cleaner technology from Our Man in Havana to the actual (or at least plausible) military use of microwave technology, I'll make it anyway.  I can only imagine what Graham Greene would have made of a chaotic evil* character like Putin who seems to delight in creating havoc around the world for it's own sake, given that Russia is far too weak economically and militarily to directly challenge the West any longer.  

* In the parlance of Dungeons & Dragons.

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