
Sunday, June 6, 2021

Heat Wave

It was so hot on Sat. and still fairly warm today.  I did a fair bit of biking on Sat., but maybe pushed it a bit too far.  I didn't have much of an appetite at lunch either day.  I do wonder if I had a bit of heat stroke.

I was going to watch The African Queen on Sat. but crashed kind of early instead.  We watched it tonight.  I'm generally only getting through one movie each weekend.  At this rate, I'll never get through them all.  It's a great one though, and I haven't seen it in a long time.*  

I have slightly fewer distractions on the reading front and am making more progress on Don Quixote.  I'm into Part II finally and am at the 500 page mark, so just a bit over halfway!  While this is a good translation, it could have been edited down drastically.  Probably only the first ten and last five or so chapters of Part II are really essential.  I'm definitely thinking of bailing, but I'll probably see it through, especially now that I am reading outside on the deck more.  That said, there are major thunderstorms on the horizon, likely to hit Monday afternoon and Tuesday morning, which will be super inconvenient for me.  But it might bring the heat down a notch or two, which would be a good thing!

* It occurs to me that Charlie, the skipper of the African Queen, has clearly never dealt with teenagers, or he would have been immune to the silent treatment doled out to him by Rose... 

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