
Saturday, June 19, 2021

Second Weekend Back

Things are still very slowly opening up.  I managed to bike to work three days last week, though I think only one or two other people are coming in.  I have a lot to catch up on, not least of which is starting to empty out my desk area by Sept. (and I probably will need this entire time!).

The bad news is I certainly gained weight, which is hardly a surprise given how depressing life has been and how few things were available and open.  While I likely would have eventually caught COVID if I went to the gym the whole time, it was still a major blow when they closed.  On the positive side, I can fit into my work clothes, though they are a bit snug.  Between the biking and more discipline around snacking (while not home lying on the couch), I probably will be in ok shape by September and have a two month jump on the rest of my co-workers, who will just be starting to deal with their own weight issues.

My wife and son managed to go to a pop-up clinic and get their second shots already, which is quite exciting.  I decided to pass this weekend, but Wed. I will see what is available, and I likely will try the pop-up route next weekend.  Canada is actually now leading the charts in terms of percentage of adults with one-dose protection.  It's been a long time coming.  I suspect by the fall we'll actually pass the US in terms of 2nd doses as well, since there is so much ingrained vaccine hesitancy in the States.  That said, I am not sure when I will be willing to travel to the States, or at least any of the red states.  I think my wife is likely to head to Chicago as soon as the border opens, which looks like it might be the tail end of August.  I might pass this year.  I haven't really decided.  I'm a lot more interested in getting down to New York and Washington DC.  This may be the first year that the art exhibits at the Art Institute of Chicago and MCA just aren't that compelling (for me).  If the AGO really does manage to pull off the Warhol and Picasso exhibits this summer and late fall, this may be the first year that the art scene (exhibition-wise) is better in Toronto than Chicago.  I'm moderately likely to try to get to Ottawa to see the Rembrandt exhibit at the National Gallery, but there are no details when that is actually going to be open (but probably mid to late August).  I'm still a bit sore that I didn't get to Montreal last summer/fall for the big impressionist exhibit.  I guess hindsight is always 20/20, and cases have never been as low as they were last year, but I wasn't comfortable in staying away from home -- and of course there were no vaccines available last summer.

I stopped by Bau-Xi again today and did get the catalogue from their George Byrne show.  It looks like I bought the very first copy from them!  As far as I can tell, the show actually comes down today, but they might extend it a week.  They were thinking of rehanging some of the Michael Wolf photos in October, since no one really could see them in May, so I'll keep my eyes open for that.

I was able to convince someone to let me into 401 Richmond, but it looks like the galleries are all closed after all.  I guess they are considering themselves as under the "mall" rules, and they don't have an outside door.  Very disappointing.  I'm not sure about the other galleries, but Yumart is sticking to on-line exhibits for the time being, though they were open in March, and I saw the Lee Lamothe exhibit, which I liked.  It reminded me a lot of Aaron Siskind's work, but in colour.  Here are a few of the more abstract pieces from the show.

Lee Lamothe, Yellow Hoarding, 2020

Lee Lamothe, Yellow Black Mass, 2020

I actually just got a call from Shoppers.  (Rare that I answer the phone these days, but so glad I did.)  I can head up to Yorkdale on June 25th and get my second shot!  They really moved the deadlines up a lot, as I believe I was initially booked for my second shot in August.  Anyway, this is incredible news.  Now we just need to find a way to get my daughter her 2nd shot without having to wait hours and hours at a pop-up.

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