
Monday, July 5, 2021

Winding Down (Ventures)

I don't believe I had seen more than a few scattered episodes of Seasons 1 and 2 of the Venture Brothers, until I finally corrected this, starting a month or so ago.  At this point I only have 3 episodes of Season 7 left to go.*  So I deprived myself of the show (for years!), but on the other hand I didn't have long, long stretches between seasons, as I've been able to watch them in one extended period of time.  

It is interesting how the writers/producers of the show kept spinning out in weird directions, which is itself a bit of a parody of comic book sagas that have to keep coming up with more ridiculous reversals in order to simultaneously give the fans something new (and top old adventures and keep raising the stakes) and reassure them that no harm will ultimately come to their favourite characters.  The number of characters that have lost and regain their powers or even been resurrected is laughable.  Now whether they would have bothered coming up with yet one more super-villain splinter group if they knew they weren't doing a Season 8 is unclear.  It's actually a bit hard to say how much they can resolve in one movie (presumably 2 hours or so), but I suppose they can do a fair bit if they focus on the core characters.

My money is on them wrapping up the Peril Partnership subplot with some kind of freak science accident that wipes them all out.  Then they can figure out how to restore the relationship between Hank and Dean.  I'm guessing they won't bother trying to wrap up the Brock/Molotov Cocktease thread.  Not sure whether the Order of the Triad will get any more screen time, but they'll probably make an appearance.  Will one or more of them die heroically?  Your guess is as good as mine.  Given how many Daddy issues both Dr. Venture and the Monarch have, they'll have to deal with that as well.  My cynical take is that all 4 of them (Jonas, Rusty, Venturion and the Monarch) end up as living heads in jars (a la Futurama).  I certainly think that's the most elegant or at least symmetrical solution.  It's not at all clear when this movie will hit, but hopefully sometime in 2022 or 2023 at the latest.

I haven't decided if I will pick up another TV series (in addition to the Britcoms I'm watching with my son), though one option would be to alternate Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul.  Maybe I'll just go back to reading a bit more in the evening or even get back to the quilt I was working on.

* I probably should have stretched it out one more day, but was so curious how Season 7 ended.  Some of it was quite odd (the coma-land), and I'm not quite sure how the Monarch jumped all the way from a 5 or 6 level villain to a 10 when all the errands he did for the Guild probably only raised him to an 8.  I'm glad that he found out he was related to Dr. Venture at the end.  Definitely going to be a mindfuck for him.  I think the focus of the movie quite rightfully will be on the Monarch and Dr. Venture and their Daddy issues.  One thing that just crossed my mind is that maybe there is a 50 year old Hank floating around that the young Hank uncovers on his quest to find himself.  I assume this would have been a running thread through Season 8, but maybe this has to be a montage in the movie.  I guess we'll see.  I would imagine the Peril Partnership sidebar stuff will be curtailed, and we'll probably never find out about how Dr. Venture solves time travel, but who knows.

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