
Monday, August 9, 2021

Progress on Getting Back in Shape

I may have mentioned once or twice that at least I was able to fit into my old work clothes (probably because last summer/fall I biked in most days and I started again a few months back).  Then there was a day where the entire team came in!  (This was a fairly exciting day, even though it was done in support of an initiative that I don't support...)  While this is a particularly unflattering photo, and I usually look a bit better, it did make me take stock and decide I really do need to ramp up my efforts to get in shape by Sept. when more people will be back on a regular basis (unless the Delta variant really is ripping through the province...).

I think more than anything, the problem is not a lack of exercise, but snacking at random hours of the day.  I have managed to squeeze a lot of out life by not sleeping enough (and that in itself is bad for the metabolism but also it meant that for much of my life I was essentially eating four meals a day).  I doubt I can really change my sleep habits at this date, but I have cut way, way back on the amount of junk food that I am bringing into the house.  Also, while I am at work, I have gotten much more disciplined about having a very modest lunch (except for Fridays) and only snacking on fruit.

I am back to going to the gym three times a week.  I never enjoy heading over or even the first 30 minutes, but I do feel a considerable sense of accomplishment on the way out.  I'd say I'm seeing some results, but it is slow.  (One of the bitter ironies from 16 or so years ago is that I got mugged on the way back from the gym on a night I forced myself to go when I didn't really want to.  That put a huge damper on pretty much everything about Chicago and that neighborhood in particular, ultimately leading to my move to the UK and then on to Canada.)  Assuming things stay headed in the right direction, I might weigh myself at the gym in a couple of weeks and use that as the baseline to measure future progress.

I can't really fathom how out of shape or overweight I would be if I didn't do all this biking.  On the other hand, maybe I would have hit rock bottom sooner.  (For me it was probably 2017 or so when I could hardly fit into my work clothes at all and right before Planet Fitness opened up nearby.)  I think it would also help to start swimming more, which I haven't done in close to two years, though the last time I checked it was impossible to book any timeslots after work, and I don't feel quite right leaving work to go swimming, though maybe I should look into it more seriously.

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