
Friday, November 5, 2021

Stress Eating

Perhaps ironically, I had gotten through the pandemic without too many breakdowns, perhaps helped by the fact that most of last year I could bike in to the office when I wanted to and most of this year after April or so.  That said, I wasn't really in great shape as this fall rolled around.  However, a combination of being unhappy at work and very stressed at home have led to very bad eating habits recently, and I haven't dared to get on the scale at the gym for a month or two.  I'm not sure if I have hit rock bottom or there is further to go...  

I am still going to gym pretty much every other day (though the last two weeks it has been closer to every third day).  I'm still biking a lot.  Though it is going to be harder to maintain as December is looming, and they say this will be a snowy winter.  Aside from the stress, I just find it quite hard to work while hungry, which is what happens to me when dieting or fasting.  I can ignore this when happy or at least semi-content at work, but when I'm not...  On the positive side, I have figured out how to book the swim lane at Matty Eckler (there are just never any slots at the Regent Park pool), so I'll try to start doing that next week.  And while I've vowed not to eat junk food before, the good intentions usually only last a month or so.  I think part of the problem is that I just don't see enough progress in any reasonable amount of time.

I guess I can start cutting out one thing at a time, starting with visits to the Danish Pastry House in Union Station!  And then after that cutting out chips and substituting popcorn without butter.  And then we'll see what I can do next.  (I actually was moderately good about not eating that much Halloween candy.)  The last time I lost significant weight I was cutting out breakfast as well, though I am not quite mentally ready for that.  

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