
Monday, November 29, 2021

Swimming in Circles

No question the gym routine can feel (on bad weeks) as being on an endless hamster wheel.  I don't jog laps at the gym any more, since I haven't had access to track facilities since roughly 2000 (when I was at Northwestern).  I generally have done fairly well sticking to going to the gym every other day though sometimes I do take two days off in a row.  Tonight, I am not going to the gym, but I am going swimming, which is nearly as good.  

I guess it's been three or four weeks that I have finally figured out the new system for booking a swimming lane on the eFun system, and I try to swim once a week.  Before that, I did a bit of swimming at the hotel pool in Ottawa.  But that's it since COVID started.  I'm pretty much back to my previous level of swimming 15 or 16 laps per session.  That's a bit gratifying.  I would like to go back to the Regent Park pool, but because it is free, it is always over-subscribed, so I just book at Matty Eckler (where it costs $4/session) which is usually nearly empty.  That's certainly a better deal than when I signed up for a 3 month pass at Matty Eckler, which I never really took full advantage of.

Anyway, I finally dared to get on the scale at the gym.  It wasn't quite where I had hoped to be, but better than I expected (given the stress eating that I am only slowly ramping down).  I could probably hit my first target (of many!) if I stopped eating cereal in the mornings.  I'm not quite ready for that, but maybe in a few more weeks, depending on whether I indulge too much over the holidays...

Hopefully it won't be so cold tonight than my hair feels like it will freeze off.  That won't help now that I have finally integrated swimming back into my fitness routine.

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