
Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Back to the Gym

I don't begrudge them at all, but I remember when I joined Planet Fitness it was open 24/7.  I think they closed early or opened late on Christmas, but that was it.   This time around with all the general exhaustion (and extra cleaning), they were closing quite early on Christmas Eve (2 pm!), and then were going to be closed on Christmas and Boxing Day.  It's pretty rare for me to skip the gym 3 days in a row, and it meant going on Thurs. and last night if I didn't want it to be a four day streak with little to no exercise.  I really wasn't thrilled about going on Thursday as I had actually gone swimming twice in one week (the first time in years!)*, and my arms were sore.  In the end I cut the workout a bit short, but at least I had gone.  

As it happens, it rained most of Christmas Eve, and there was basically no snow left on Christmas Day.  On the other hand, that meant that I was able to bike downtown on Boxing Day.  I'd like to bike today, but we had a bit of freezing rain last night, and I am not sure the roads are clear.

In any event, I went to the gym on Monday and pushed through for a full workout.  I'll probably go swimming tonight or tomorrow and be more or less on track.   It's fairly likely that they'll close the gyms at some point during this latest surge, so I might as well keep going while I still can. 

Edit (12/29): I probably should have gone swimming last night but just wasn't up to it, though I did bike downtown.  I think I will go to the gym tonight and then see if my arm is up to swimming a few laps on Thurs. after I get my booster shot.

* Last Monday, I actually swam 20 laps, which turns out to be 1000 yards.  If I had made it to 22 laps that would have been 1 km!  I should be able to make it to that mark at some point, but it will have to be on a day I have the entire 45 minute time slot.  (I usually show up late and lose 10 minutes or so.)

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