
Monday, February 7, 2022

Some Normalcy?

The stupid trucker convoy came through Toronto but didn't leave much of a mark.  I did hear them on Spadina and Richmond and flipped off a few (car) drivers with their shit-eating grins who thought they were being so edgy.  I guess the Ottawa residents are finding that life isn't like a movie where the cavalry is going to come running in to the rescue.  The police have said they are completely outnumbered and they aren't getting any help at all from the towing companies.  One might think that in a true state of emergency, the towing rigs might actually be nationalized.  As tempting as it might be to run in tanks or bulldozers to damage the trucks, this probably won't really help solve anything.  While I'm sure in the long run the State will have the last laugh, making it extremely difficult for any of these protestors to have their licenses renewed, etc., it certainly looks impotent in the short run.  And both Ford and Trudeau really do seem to have abandoned downtown Ottawa.  Anyway, the truckers barely made any impact on Toronto that I can see, though Robarts Library decided to shut down pre-emptively over the whole weekend.

I am only very, very slowly getting back into my rhythm of exercise.  I think I am just weighted down a lot by hating to go out in the snow in my boots, having less energy because I am not cycling regularly (or really at all) and some residual worries about how infectious Omicron is.  (That said I had to take 4 rapid tests in 2 weeks and came up negative each time!)  I really had planned on going to the gym over the weekend, though I got in late on Saturday, so I deferred it to Sunday, and I had a very sore throat in the morning.  I got better throughout the day, but just decided it wasn't worth it.  I do think this week should be a bit better.  I have a swimming lane booked for tonight and should be able to make it to the gym Tuesday and maybe Thurs.  I think that should kick start things and I'll be able to keep going through February.  Fingers crossed!

After more than a month, I finally hauled a few more things off to Value Village.  I got a coupon for making the donation and ended up picking up more books than I had anticipated, including a newish translation of Gilgamesh, Bellow's The Actual (a novella from late in his career, which I apparently overlooked), Ann-Marie MacDonald's Goodnight Desdemona (Good Morning Juliet) and an upgrade to Findley's Famous Last Words (with the other copy destined for my Little Free Library).

It has been really disappointing how Sing-for-Your-Supper has pretty much fallen apart.  It would normally be today (first Monday of the month), but there is no sign that it is being restarted.  Indeed, it is very possible that the lack of comments on Facebook has indicated there is no longer a critical mass of actors even interested in attending, making it impossible to carry on.  I actually did email the newish organizers a few ideas on sparking more interest, but haven't heard back.  That would be a huge shame, particularly as I find the monthly deadlines are a much needed spur to write more material, particularly when I am still not going out much to jazz clubs or other places where my creative juices flow.  I might just end up doing my own Zoom thing, but it isn't quite as satisfying.

Plenty of other things going on, either in the real world or just in my mind, but I have to break for now.  Ciao. 

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