
Friday, December 30, 2022

Day by Day

Yesterday actually was a decent day.  The day before (Wed.) I had gone swimming for the first time in two weeks.  Yesterday I was able to bike in to work.  This has to be the deepest into winter I've biked (not counting that warm winter in Cambridge and Vancouver where you can generally bike year-round).*  It's not even that cold today, and I probably could have biked, but it is supposed to rain, and I didn't feel like dealing with that.  While I am probably done with the bike until March, it actually looks like it might be ok biking conditions on Sunday and Monday (when I am not actually working!), then a lot of rain and perhaps snow, but then the forecast is for chilly but bikeable conditions next Friday.  I haven't really decided what I will do.

I left work on the early side (for me) on Thurs. and made it home by 6:30.  Then I was able to go over to Staples at Gerrard Square and get passport photos.  (I'll circle back to this in an upcoming post.)  Then I went to the gym for a slightly abbreviated workout.  I think this is the first time I've been to the gym since the 16th and have been beating myself over it, especially since I haven't been biking as much.  (I actually did order a home exercise bike, and I expect that will arrive next week and I'll have to see how hard it is to assemble.)  I had called over to the gym either on the 23rd or 24th to see what their holidays hours were, but never got through, and I took that as a bad omen.  Then I got quite busy and didn't have a chance to go over anyway.  I'll try to get back into my new routine of two gym visits and one swimming session each week.  I don't really enjoy it as I am going through with the exercise (which certainly doesn't help!) but I do feel better afterwards.

I watched the last episode of Red Dwarf Season 4 with my son.  While I like the previous episode a bit better (the one where Ace Rimmer is introduced), it was fun.  I hope to carve off some time to watch longer movies with him, but not sure it will happen, since he has so many friends to see.  On the whole, it was a pretty good day.

In contrast, this morning has been quite a disaster, at least on the computing side of things.  I have been completely unable to get my computer to do anything internet related.  I had switched to Chrome just a while back, but I think I'm going to give up and switch back to Firefox.  I finally left for work in frustration.  Sometimes the network issues resolve themselves, though I have a sinking feeling that won't be the case this time.  Anyway, it should be an extremely quiet day today, and I am hoping that I can relax tonight and maybe get more reading in, though I also need to get my year-end blog posts up!

* I did manage to bike at least 5 and probably 6 times after the Dec. bike tune-up, so at least I got value from that.  Unlike so many of the cycling evangelists, I do not enjoy biking in winter and would never presume to tell people that it is easy and even fun.  It's not.  It's just that it is still somewhat better than the alternatives, particularly the buses with COVID still circulating and violent crime up quite a bit.

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