
Sunday, December 25, 2022

It's Not 100% Procrastination All the Time

There are a few things that I don't put off until absolutely the last minute.  I usually manage to get taxes done at least two weeks before the deadline.  I'm not always scrambling to get the trash out in the morning.  (This was a real problem in Vancouver for some reason...)  Recently, I changed the bulbs in the kitchen light fixture.  They had gotten extremely dim, and the new bulbs make the whole place bright enough to cook in.  (What a concept...)

A few posts back I had alluded to things I was doing instead of blogging.  One of those things was dealing with a contractor who was replacing my backyard fence and putting up a railing on the back stairs.  I did put it off for several months, but it was s such a mild fall that I decided to go ahead and replace 4 more boards in the back deck (by myself).  I wrapped this up right around Halloween and then sanded and stained the deck the first couple of days of November.  (I had been in a minor bicycle accident injuring my knees, and this did not help!)  Anyways, my timing was pretty good, as the temperature dropped quite a lot the day after I finished.  That means I didn't get to enjoy the fruits of my labor this fall, and I'll have to wait until the spring.

One thing recently as that I had been having some issues with an external hard drive, and I bit the bullet and got a replacement hard drive.  I've spent the whole weekend backing stuff up.  Then I had some issues when using it with my laptop, though it was fine on the main desktop.  I wonder if the laptop just doesn't pass through sufficient current to keep the external drive happy.  That sort of undercuts the main reason I got it in the first place, but I don't mind having it unplugged as more of a true emergency backup.  One slightly annoying thing I found while I was doing this massive backup is the one classical box set has not been backed up, which is quite strange.  I guess I can take care of that over the next few days.

For a lot of others things, including creative writing, I  do work best to a deadline.  Mostly having deadlines helps me focus and prioritize, given how many other things I am in the middle of.

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