
Friday, December 16, 2022

No Snowmageddon (Dodged a Bullet)

Now granted, other parts of Ontario, included Ottawa, were hit pretty hard by the storm last night, but in Toronto (at least south of Danforth) we just got cold rain that turned into slush.  I decided to skip the bridge (and thus going to the gym), but I did go to the grocery store and got a few staples (mostly fruit).  This morning, all the slush had melted and the streets/sidewalks were just wet.  I could have even biked to work but skipped it.  I didn't even have to wear boots!  This drastically increases the odds that I go to the gym tonight.

I do wish that the transit agencies hadn't over-reacted to the storm warning and cancelled so much service, when in fact this was not a storm by any stretch of the imagination.  Again, it didn't impact me, but certainly messed up the evening rush hour for a lot of people.  

This reminds me a lot of the Snowmageddon they were calling for in NYC back in 2001.  The snow ended up staying further north, and while I think Boston was hit hard, NYC barely got a dusting.  I had gone to work as usual and had no trouble getting home.  

Believe me, I'm not complaining we didn't get hit with a lot of snow (yet), but it does make it hard to plan when the forecast is so wrong.  I might well have decided to go out that evening or might not have pushed so hard to get to the library in the morning to avoid the storm that wasn't.  Here's a site listing a few other times they hyped up a storm that then fizzled out. 

Edit (12/17): Indeed, I was able to get to work on Friday with regular shoes (not boots), and I probably could have ridden my bike.  I actually did bike downtown on Saturday.  It's worth trying to take advantage of this, as it is likely to snow next week, and they are forecasting a white Christmas.

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