
Sunday, December 18, 2022

Sing-For-Your-Supper Revival

I only just happened to stumble across a post that Sing-For-Your-Supper is back and in-person!  While I found the Tarragon location to be pretty good, this should be a more-or-less permanent home at Assembly Theatre, which is a few blocks further west than the Theatre Centre (so a long ride home for me to be sure).  I don't know how long it will take the buzz to build, but one of the advantages of being at the old Storefront Theatre is that people could sort of see how groups could coalesce and put on their own shows at Storefront.  I can see the same thing happening at Assembly.  Now one thing that worries me is that I am clearly not going to be given such a free hand as I had post-Storefront where I had a long run where basically everyone one of my submissions was accepted.  They are going to tilt the playing field in favour of Black and other visible minority playwrights, as well as LGBTQ2S+ playwrights.  That's their right of course, but it may mean that this isn't really going to be a long-term home for me, and I'll have to do my own thing.  We shall see how it goes.

In the meantime, just having a source of external deadlines should prove useful to me.  (I basically only work to deadlines these days...)  I just took a piece that is roughly half of a TV pilot and spent some time cleaning it up.  It started out as exactly 12 pages long (the new script limit), so I didn't need to do too much, though I did squeeze in a teaser for what would happen in the next "episode."  Honestly, I'm not nearly as interested in this "series" as in the one about a planning office (inspired loosely by the Australian TV show Utopia -- though I want to be clear I've heard about this show but only watched about ten minutes of it).  I've written quite a few bits of this (usually anytime I was listening to jazz over at Crowsnest), and I just need to pull the pieces together, type them up and fill in some missing bits.  Even if I don't send that off to SFYS, I am starting to feel the creative juices flowing again.  It's been too long!

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