
Monday, January 23, 2023

Lost and Found and Lost and Found and Lost

I had a near escape last week.  I simply couldn't find one of my credit cards.  I was wondering how it wasn't in my wallet, but it just wasn't where it was supposed to be.  I even checked all my jeans and dress pants and even dress shirts (though I had been wearing shirts with no pockets!)  Anyway, I waited a day to see if I had left it at work.  (I did sign in to see if any unauthorized transactions had been made, but it turned out the last use was on Thurs, on the way back from swimming in fact.)  That strongly suggested it was either at the grocery store or somewhere mysterious at home.

I waited for quite some time at the store and finally talked to someone in customer service.  They looked around and asked the manager, but my card had not been turned in.  I came pretty close to cancelling it, but decided to check one last time.  I found it under the futon.  I suppose what must have happened is it was in a pair of dress pants, and I tossed them onto the futon when I changed into jeans after work (and swimming) and then it fell out and landed under the futon.  What a relief.  I don't even have that many auto-payments set up with that card, but it would still be such a hassle to wait on a replacement.

Several months back I had lost my work ID card and then the pass that lets me into my office after hours.  I starting getting them replaced when they turned up under the couch cushions.  I'm sensing a theme here (and yes I did look in the couch first for my credit card).

The card I lost that never turned up is my Presto transit card.  I still have no idea if I lost that at home, at work or somewhere in transit.  I did check and found that no one had been using the card, and it wasn't that hard to suspend the card and then turn on a new one.  It was a few extra steps to get the auto-load feature back on, but all in all not so terrible.  I am glad I had registered the card though, or I would never have gotten my money (already loaded on the card) back.

It does sound like I lose stuff like this all the time, and that isn't really the case, though perhaps I am becoming a bit more absent minded these days (due to stress?).  On the other hand, the work ID and the credit card weren't simply misplaced but had slipped out and ended up somewhere they really shouldn't have been.

Edit: Of course almost immediately after this post posted, I realized I didn't have my glasses as I was sitting down for a concert up at Walter Hall at the Music School.  I turned my bag upside down to no avail, as they were sitting on a hallway table.  Grrr.  Fortunately, Walter Hall is quite compact, and I could see reasonably well even without them.  I will have to remember to bring them on Wed. when I am sitting at the back of Koerner Hall (assuming the concert isn't cancelled due to a snow storm of course).  What's a bit more upsetting is I can't find this jet black USB flashdrive, which is probably at home.  I did look at home this morning, but then left hoping it would turn up at work, which it did not.  So I will have to do a much more thorough search tonight.  I just had a bad flashback that it could have been in my shirt and I did laundry last night, but I don't think that actually happened.  Anyway, it is quite frustrating...

Edit 2 (2/6): The glasses were at home and I have remembered them on a few subsequent outings.  I found the flashdrive buried in a secret pocket in my bag.  Ironically, it started failing almost immediately after I found it.  I was able to salvage a lot of articles I had downloaded at Robarts, but not all of them.  I was so frustrated, I threw it away, then realized I probably should have seen if there was anything else that needed salvaging.  Oh well.  Easy come, easy go.

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