
Friday, January 20, 2023

Reasonably Productive Days

I'm finding that my productivity does taper off later in the week, though I suppose it mostly balances out.  Last Sunday I went to the gym early, then did the grocery shopping.  I was going to see a concert at RCM (Maxim Vengerov, which had been rescheduled).  I was also flipping through Gogol's Dead Souls.  This was the version with Chagall's illustrations, which was due at the Pratt Library.  I had thought I could return it on the way in, but I just didn't have the time.  Anyway, the concert was great, esp. Beethoven's Kreutzer's Sonata and 10 Shostakovich Preludes that had been transcribed to be for violin and piano.  As an encore, they did the scherzo from Beethoven's Spring Sonata and also a long movement from Cesar Franck.  I'm not quite sure why, but I was invited for the reception during intermission.  (Odd mostly because I insist on sitting in the cheapest seats possible...)  Shostakovich and Gogol are a pretty good pairing, and I was already going through Pacifica's Shostakovich String Quartet cycle at home, so that will make good background music, as I finish the two main translations of Dead Souls.

Anyway, after the concert I dropped off Dead Souls, then headed for work and got a few things done.  I hit Robarts Library on way back, mostly using the opportunity to download some academic articles on Covid and transportation.

Monday was supposed to be the only day with sun all week, and I managed to bike it.  Surprisingly, I was also able to bike on Thursday, though it was a pretty grey day.  Overall, this winter feels almost as if we're back living in Vancouver, though it's a few degrees colder.  I'm not crazy about it, though I guess I'd take this over a lot of ice and snow.

I went swimming Tuesday and Thursday, which I haven't done in some time.  I tried to convince myself to go to the gym on Wed. (and then again on Friday), but I didn't make it.  I was also targeting later in the week to put the exercise bike together, but it just didn't happen, so in that sense I let myself down a bit later in the week.

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