
Sunday, January 1, 2023

Resolutions? What resolutions?

I generally don't bother with New Year's resolutions.  I used to say things like I would try to be more patient or more kind in the New Year, but I just don't think I can change my stripes.  That doesn't mean I don't stick with things.  I gave up diet cola (and essentially all caffeine except for the rare cup of Earl Grey tea) back in 2016 and have not backslid even once.  I've been going to the gym fairly regularly since Planet Fitness opened up in the mall back in 2017.  I'll admit I wasn't great the 2nd half of December, but I've been going again (and still swimming and biking).  I'll probably make it over there this evening or more likely on Monday.  But this only works when I am reinforcing tendencies I already have and not trying to change (i.e. improve) my base personality.

I certainly don't need to resolve to do more reading or getting out to even more cultural events...  I did say I would like to volunteer a bit more, and I can look into that.  I will try to get back into writing, wrapping up some potential pilots I was working on and maybe even my broken sestina series.  The return or at least putative return of Sing-for-Your-Supper will help with my motivation (as I basically can work to deadlines and not much else these days),  I have been making some progress in reorganizing my poetry anthology (poems involving various modes of transportation). I think by the spring I can pull it back together and then search for a publisher.  Probably will need to be an academic publisher.  That's probably where I went wrong the last time.

I also have two or three pretty solid ideas that I should just get down on paper and try to translate them into journal articles.  I think that is the closest I will get to any true resolutions for 2023.

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