
Sunday, April 30, 2023

Last Minute Pitches - Vierge and The New Alphabet

I had meant to write about these events sooner, but I'm barely keeping my head above water when it comes to this blog...

Anyway, last night we saw Vierge at Factory.  This is an exciting, mostly fun, play that looks into the lives of 4 Canadian teens with Congolese backgrounds.  Two have been in Canada for most their lives, while the other two are fairly recent immigrants who speak English, but also pepper their speech with a fair bit of French and some Lingala as well.  The play covers the typical teenage drama of teenagers becoming adults with all the confusion that brings.  There is less emphasis on social media than is probably the case for Gen Z today, though sexting becomes a significant plot point.  What is quite different is how seriously the young women all take religion, as they are all members of a church youth group, which is a somewhat different perspective than most plays about young people these days.  Anyway, there is a single show left - today's 2 o'clock matinee.  More info and to book tickets here.

The other thing that I had meant to post about was the current show at MOCA: Athena Papadopoulos's The New Alphabet.  This is the most interesting thing I've seen at MOCA in a while.  It calls to mind a mash-up of 90's-era David Cronenberg (Naked Lunch/eXistenZ) and Jim Henson's Fraggle Rock.  It closes today, however.  MOCA is open until 6, though they note there is limited street parking.  I typically bike there, but it's going to rain all afternoon, so even though I am a bit tempted, I don't think I'll go back for a second viewing.  Here are a few of the pieces I liked from the show.  (I'll go back and clean up the labels later...)

Again, apologies for the extreme tardiness in getting this posted.

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