
Sunday, May 21, 2023

Recent Adjustments to the Reading List

As I just mentioned in the last post, I will bump up Faulkner's The Wild Palms though I still don't imagine I'll get to it before the fall.  In honor of his passing, I will probably add Martin Amis's Time's Arrow and move it up to hit over the summer.  It's a relatively short novel, so that helps.  I was also considering adding The Information, though some consider it part of the "London Trilogy" with Money and London Fields.  I was definitely considering tackling those again, but that would be more of a 2024 or even 2025 venture, so that's when I will read The Information.  (It's not a full review, but I do talk a bit about Other People in this ancient post.)

I don't often read works in the proper months.  So I read George Lamming and Sam Selvon too early, i.e. not in Feb.  I'm not sure how much Asian fiction I'll get to in May, though I have been reading a fair bit of Evelyn Lau's poetry recently.*  There is a small chance I'll wrap up Bellow's The Adventures of Augie March in time, and I'll at least start in on All About H. Hatterr in May, but it is hard to say.  I did request Murakami's latest collection of short stories, First Person Singular, from the library, and I should be able to start in on that as well. 

I actually need to finish booking some things tomorrow for my upcoming trip to NYC, but I have spent some time thinking over what books to bring on the trip.  My ideal books are ones that I think I'll enjoy but could part with at the airport...  I'm leaning toward taking Shields's Larry's Party and Hamsun's Mysteries and maybe Shamsie's Home Fire.

Edit (6/12): I actually managed to get through all 3 books on the trip, on top of wandering through museums for hours and catching a play and a musical!  I didn't much care for Hamsun's Mysteries for reasons I may get into at some point.

* There is quite an interesting tangent here, but I think I'll hold off until I review her recent collection, Cactus Gardens.

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