
Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Sketching Out the Boston-NYC Trip

Had I booked everything a few weeks back, I probably would have made a few different choices.  Anyway, I am supposed to land in Boston around 10:30 on Thurs.  I'm assuming an hour or more to get off the plane and through customs.  I think I'll head over to the Gardner Museum first (it's supposed to be free for me) and then to the Museum of Fine Arts, which is open quite late on Thurs.  I haven't entirely decided whether to book tickets to Hokusai in advance or when I get there.   I'm leaning towards just getting the timed ticket when I get there, as my schedule is a bit unpredictable.  I've gone ahead and booked a night in a youth hostel(!), but everything else was crazy expensive.  I might have stayed somewhere nicer with free breakfast but I have to leave for the airport at close to 4 am, so there just isn't any point.  If it were allowed, I would probably just go to the airport and crash there.  I'm actually a bit annoyed that there are essentially no hotels near Logan, and at this time of day, I'll have to cab it.

Assuming I make my flight, I'll be in Newark early and will then head into Manhattan.  Friday will be the big day for museums.  I know that I want to see MOMA, the Met and the Sarah Sze exhibit at the Guggenheim.  Sometime in the late afternoon, I'll stop by the hotel and drop off my bag.  If there's time I might squeeze in something else. Then I head over to Brooklyn to see Love & Rockets.  I hope it is worth it.  I had hoped to stay in Brooklyn but there just is nothing in that general area.  Once I have to get back onto the subway, I might as well just stay in one place in Manhattan.

Sat. I am planning on watching Stoppard's Leopoldstadt and Some Like It Hot.  I probably can squeeze in a trip to the Whitney before one show and possibly the Frick or something like that between the shows. We'll see.  I had thought seriously about seeing the revival of Hansberry's The Sign in Sidney Brustein's Window, but the timing just isn't great.  Also I see that it is a 3 hour play(!), and I have so little patience for these overstuffed plays these days.  I did see that Chris Jones loved it when it played the Goodman, and I generally agree with his views, but others have been much harsher.  Anyway, it isn't worth changing my plans to stay another day.  If this production transfers to Toronto via Mirvish or some other company in Toronto tackles it, then I'll go see it.

Sunday, I head in to the Brooklyn Museum (in part to see It's Pablo-Matic), and then will spend some time with my cousin and his wife.  I haven't seen them in several years.  And then I'll probably just head back to the hotel to rest and make sure I head out in time to catch my flight on Monday.  This time it's at noon, so it will be a much less stressful experience.  I'm sure I'll enjoy myself (assuming I don't miss that early flight out of Logan!), but I wouldn't exactly call this a relaxing trip.  Anyway, I should finish booking a few more things tonight.

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