
Friday, July 21, 2023

A Man Plans...

I'm trying to think back to the last time I was really sick.  It's been quite a while fortunately.  There were a few times that I had a pretty bad cough, though in all cases I tested negative for COVID.  Generally that only lasted a day or two.  In fact, roughly a year ago I think I did drag myself to the office (when I was under the weather) specifically because moving around usually helps break stuff up (compared to lying in bed), and I knew that no one was actually in the office, so I wouldn't be spreading anything.  Now that people are in much more regularly, I can't do that anymore.  I wouldn't have been able to do that this time because I was actually quite ill.

I guess this all started on Tuesday evening.  I was coming back from the gym, and I developed a bit of a cough.  This lasted all night, but I didn't think too much about it.  I went off to work on Wed. per usual but just started feeling worse and worse.  I actually did a self-COVID test right away, but it came back negative again.  I think I finally gave up at 3 pm, saying that I just needed to get home and get some rest.

On the one hand, this could be related to running myself ragged at the Fringe and Summer Music or even getting careless about masking up on the TTC, but I think this latest round of sickness is linked to all the stress that hit me dealing with getting my daughter into summer school, when the administrators were saying she hadn't been enrolled properly.  As it turned out, I did have a ticket to a concert that evening, but I decided I would clearly have to skip it.  I tried to find someone at work to use it, but I don't think I succeeded.  My hope was that I would recover by Thurs. evening to catch a slightly more significant concert that evening.

It's probably no surprise, but things didn't work out that way.  I still wasn't feeling very good, and I laid down for yet another nap and then woke up at 8 pm (after the concert had officially started).  I'm feeling better today, but by no means 100%.  I have hopes to hit an art gallery or two on Sat. (initially I had planned on getting over to the Hart House Museum on Wed.), and then I have a concert scheduled for Sat. evening.  I think I can make that, but I'll have to see if the hacking cough has gone away.  It won't be fair to go if I am going to be a nuisance.  What's more challenging is deciding about a play on Sunday at Coal Mine Theatre.  It's much harder than it used to be speaking to anyone in the Box Office to see about switching tickets, but if I don't have the date moved to a bit later next week and I don't feel like going on Sunday, then I simply lose the ticket.  (On top of the two Summer Music tickets I've lost so far, that would be too much.)  And also complicating factors is I was thinking of trying to head off to Imagine Elgin Mills for Castle in the Sky, but I can't do that unless I am fully recovered by Sun.

So it's all incredibly frustrating, but there isn't too much more I can do to return to a state of good health.

Edit: the worst of the soreness is gone, and I'm not coughing as much.  I'll likely be able to go to the concert tomorrow, and Sunday shouldn't be too much of an issue.  That said, if I experience any flare-ups tomorrow, I'll try to contact the Coal Mine to reschedule.  I suppose things would have been much worse if this happened a week later, as I probably would have had to scrub a short trip to Chicago!

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