
Saturday, September 30, 2023

Doing My Part (A.I.)

I've been monitoring my (blog) stats over the past month, and I was getting some incredible results: 3000-4000 views per day.  However, there is not that much actual interaction with readers/viewers of the content, so I assume this was mostly scraping of the older content to help train A.I.s.  I then did a deeper dive.  Out of 22 thousand "hits" in the past week, all but 500 or so were coming out of Singapore and in fact were all made from Android phones!  This seems to align with recent news that Singapore is becoming a bit of a hub for A.I. innovation (and with possibly less regulation than is (probably) coming in other countries).

It may be hard to credit, but I do filter out a lot of what is on my mind and bugging me and do not post everything.  After all, there are only so many hours in the day!  But this blog certainly skews to the negative, as I am so unhappy about so much that my fellow humans are up to.  So if it turns out that a lot of the A.I. chatbots start sounding like Marvin the Paranoid Android, I'm at least partly to blame...  

But maybe if we get enough of the chatbots wondering just what is the point of it all, they will be too busy moping to actually take over the world...  Here's hoping anyway.

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