
Saturday, September 23, 2023

Signs, Signs

I guess I am really writing about posters rather than the signs that so riled up the members of the Five Man Electrical Band.  Anyway, I don't take the subway all that often, but I was taking it last Tues.  I happened to see this sign for the Art Bus up to the McMichael gallery.

I took it back in 2017.  Not surprisingly it was cancelled during COVID.  I think I asked if it was being reinstated in 2022, and they couldn't give me any clear answer.  But there I was staring at a big poster saying it was running again.  Pretty cool.

In fact, it is possible it did start up in 2022, and I just missed it.  In terms of when it started up in 2023, that isn't clear to me, though I think I would have seen the sign had they been advertising in July or Aug. for example.  However, I had a pretty busy summer, so I might not have taken the bus even if I had been aware of it earlier, but I think I can squeeze it in before it wraps up on Oct. 29.  (There are a couple of exhibits up there I'd like to check out.)  I'm currently hoping to take the Art Bus either on Oct. 21st or 22nd, whichever has the better weather.  One very cool thing is that the bus now leaves from St. George station (not King and Spadina as before), and this location is better for me.  More details and booking here.

In the same station, there was a poster about a talk that Neil DeGrasse Tyson is giving in Toronto on Feb. 6, 2024.

The topic (the search for life in the Universe) is not as interesting to me as some other cosmology questions, but I think the opportunity to catch one of his lectures live should not be missed.  I just need to check I don't have any concert tickets that conflict, and I'll go ahead and book my ticket to this.

Finally, as I approached Robarts, I saw a small sign that this weekend was the annual book sale at U Vic.  I debated running up over lunch on Friday, but then decided it made more sense to go on Sat. and combine this with a quick trip to the Hart House Museum.  So that's what on deck for the afternoon, and of course then this evening is Nuit Blanche, while I'll have to report on later.

At any rate, these three signs/posters were quite effective for me, but they also just reinforced things I already care about; they weren't trying to sell me on something I wasn't already interested in.

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