
Friday, November 24, 2023

Sick at Thanksgiving

We've more or less stopped celebrating U.S. Thanksgiving, and I haven't eaten turkey in 25+ years.  But I still wasn't very happy that the mild illness that I have been struggling through all week blew up into a full-fledged cold on Thurs.  I still have a pretty bad cough I am trying to get under control for tomorrow, when I am supposed to catch Petzold's Cuba Libre at TIFF and then meet a friend at Tarragon for Withrow Park.  I think I'll probably be ok in time.  I am going to try to take it easy today.

While this is annoying, the timing in some ways worked out.  I wasn't sick (just stressed) on my trip to Montreal, and I should be fine next week when I am due to travel to NYC.  Fingers crossed.

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