
Saturday, December 16, 2023

A Shot in the Arm

I'm starting to wonder if I miscalculated.  I got my COVID booster shot on Friday at 10 am.  I haven't had any real problem with the booster shots in the past, but I think this time it's taking a bit more of a toll.  My arm is still quite sore, and I was a bit woozy just a few hours ago.  I actually have a completely jammed up Sat., and if I had known that this time would be the time I actually "feel" the shot, I would have done in early next week.  Hindsight...  

Anyway, the plan was to go to the gym and do a short workout, focusing on legs and cardio and not doing heavy lifting.  This is the mostly likely item on the list to get scratched off.

Then I wanted to go in to work and drop off some food for later.  Then at 1 pm, I go to Angels in America, playing at Buddies in Bad Times.  I thought this was maybe 3 hours, but it's actually 3.5!  Immediately afterwards, I'm going to try to cut across the city and drop in at 401 Richmond.  I wasn't able to make it last weekend.  The weekend before that I was just getting back from NYC on Sat.  On Sunday, I was at a double-header at Factory.  There was a bit of a gap, and I had enough time to run over to 401 Richmond and also to grab a snack, but on Sundays very few of the galleries are open.  (If I had more time on Sat. I would stop by Bau-Xi, but I just don't think that will work.  Potentially, I might be able to stop by this Sunday.  I'm not entirely sure what galleries are open on the 23rd, but I assume at least some are closed for the holidays.)

Depending on time, I am likely to swing by work, eat my dropped-off food and get back to Buddies for a show that starts at 7 and runs until roughly 11 pm!  I haven't entirely decided whether to bike back or leave the bike at work and pick it up Sunday, though I am leaning towards the latter.  This is the last weekend of Angels in America, and I am so worried that someone in the cast will be sick or have caught COVID.  (Actually two people in the cast were missing from Arcadia when I saw that, but they were very minor roles, and it wasn't an issue...)

Sunday is a much lower-key day, though I should run over to the mall and probably get downtown later.  I might check out the Keith Haring exhibit again and this exhibit on British-Caribbean artists that has just opened.  I didn't get to The Rex Friday night (to see Pat LaBarbara and Neil Swainson a second time), and there is at least some chance I go see a different group Sunday evening.  I think a lot depends on how I am feeling by then.

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