
Wednesday, December 6, 2023

Still Somewhat Sick

Things could certainly be worse.  I don't have COVID, and my nose isn't particularly runny.  However, I still haven't completely recovered from that cold a couple of weeks ago.  I have a bit of a hacking cough, which is not clearing up quickly enough.  Just in general, I feel in the dumps and low-energy.  On Sunday, I did force myself to go to the gym for a short workout, and on Monday I swam about half the laps I normally swim.  (I guess I am hoping that forcing the issue will lead me to get over the cold/cough sooner.)  I also biked to work on Tues., though I was very annoyed that it snowed on the way home, as that was not in the forecast!  I probably should bike on Wed., though I don't really feel like it.  I'm on a somewhat restricted diet where I am supposed to cut way back on carbs, which I don't appreciate.  

I suppose I am also grumpy because my short trip to NYC last weekend didn't turn out as I had planned, and the weather hasn't been very pleasant lately.  I'm also not pleased that the library system is still so broken.  Very little seems to be going right at the moment.  I think I'll stop there and maybe over the week catch up on the many overdue posts I still hope to write. 

Update: I did bike in but it wasn't too fun.  I think this is as cold out as I am willing to bike (hovering around 1°C) as my hands hurt at this temperature.  It does not help that I have to park 3 blocks away and walk over, which still grates.  It should be a bit warmer on Friday, so I'll plan to bike on that day and see how it goes later in the month.  Once again, I am biking in December in a climate that really doesn't support such activity.

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