
Saturday, January 20, 2024

The Big Chill

It has been so bloody cold this week.  While I realize it was much colder in Edmonton and Winnipeg* and even Chicago, it is definitely unpleasant and probably even life-threatening if I stayed out in this long enough.  I have cut my trips to the gym and the swimming pool roughly in half.  I have been able to force myself to go roughly once a week to each, but only barely.  I'm gearing up to head out again, but I'm not looking forward to it at all.  It is supposed to warm up slightly next week.  I certainly hope so!

* It may be worth noting that We Quit Theatre is a company based out of Winnipeg, but they have a one week residency at Buddies in Bad Times, ending tomorrow in fact.  I wasn't crazy about 805-4821, which was literally the actor projecting written text using an overhead projector(!) so that was a crazy amount of reading.  But I Am Your Spaniel was great, a high-low show exploring the text of Midsummer's Night's Dream and throwing in Queer theory, some Marxian concepts and even a huge dog puppet.  I'm off to see Passion Play tomorrow.  I hope it is closer in spirit to I Am Your Spaniel.

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