
Friday, July 4, 2014

Mom's trip - part 2

In general, the last dregs of the packing have gotten away from me a bit, and I'll probably have to work just half a day today (and obviously no Stanley Park or theatre tonight).  Before I get back to the packing, I have a few more of the photos scanned from the big trip from 1988.  (First photo from the trip is here.)

A few more photos of the St. Louis Arch.

I'm skipping over the Texas prairie and moving right along to Santa Fe, which was one of Mom's favored locations.  I believe she went back a few times, but I'd have to try to check somehow.

I assume this church is somewhat on the outskirts of the city proper, though I am not sure.  It may be a famous church painted by Georgia O'Keeffe and thus protected in the heart of the arts gallery complex, though it does look a bit remote.  This next photo is of the New Mexico Museum of Art.  

Mom would have definitely wanted to visit the Georgia O'Keeffe Museum, but it only opened in 1997.  I am pretty sure that a fair number of O'Keeffe's painting would have been on display in Santa Fe at that time in various museums and galleries, but it is still a shame that she didn't live to see the opening of the dedicated museum.  Still, she did make it to the big O'Keeffe exhibit in Chicago in 1988.  (This was the first blockbuster art show that I ever attended.  We were just a bit too young to make the trip to see the King Tut blockbuster show in 1977.  Too bad.)

The last batch of photos will be from the Grand Canyon.  Another of her favorite places.  I've actually never made it there, though I will try one of these days.

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