
Saturday, July 5, 2014

Mom's trip - part 3 (Grand Canyon)

Aside from a long post on my updated BTR pile to follow (which incidentally has been ready to go for a few days now), this will probably be the last post for a while, as it is unclear when we will have internet access in Toronto.  (And it is very prohibited from working on blogs at work...)  It's been a very stressful few days, but it will be over, one way or another, today.  I would guess the movers will be here in about 3 hours.  Things are almost under control, except for the basement where I just have unbelievable piles of stuff.  We will have less storage space in Toronto, and I will have to downsize some of this.  Of course, a lot of this is data CDs and DVDs, and there is not that much more I can do with them, unless I just get a terrabyte external hard drive, transfer the stuff over and hope for the best.  I did uncover a few things I have been missing for 2.5 years, including a PS2 that my son would have loved to play with.  Oddly, I still can't find one CD box set, so I think it must have just vanished into the ether.

I actually feel a bit sick, partly from stress and partly from being judged about not being ready.  (Though I am sure they have seen worse.  We really are mostly done except for the basement, and I am ready to just start shoveling stuff into boxes and taping them up, which I will resort to after this post.)

Anyway, I was happy to find a couple of perfect boxes.  One for some oversize art books and one for the record player.  This second box is also the one I will use for the scanner, so I have two or three things left to scan, and then it gets packed up.

Fortunately, I have scanned the bulk of the photos from my mom's visit to the Grand Canyon.  (Now there are some b&w photos (inspired by Ansel Adams I am sure) which I have misplaced.  If those happen to turn up in the months ahead while we are unpacking, I will make sure to post them.  However, I think these are from a different trip anyway.)

So here we go (from sunrise to afternoon at the Grand Canyon):

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