
Friday, November 14, 2014

Being reasonable

It can be so hard for me to be reasonable.  The last post showing the changes to the "library" do show some small signs of slowing down (and quite a few books moved into a pile that should lead to their being donated or sold off eventually), but still more books are coming in.  I'm hoping that it is almost at equilibrium now.

I wanted quite badly to go to Chicago in early Dec. but I kind of slept on the tickets and the price just kept creeping up on me to the point I couldn't justify it.  If we lived another 100 miles closer (or my daughter didn't seem so likely to get car sick), I think I would drive it, since it would shave close to $1000 off the trip.  I wanted to see Lynn Nottage's Mud, River, Stone and probably Sarah Ruhl's The Clean House, as well as check out some cool exhibits at the Art Institute.  I sort of skimmed the Nottage play and while it is interesting, I can't really justify the outlay just for that.

I've actually wrestled the various credit cards down (pretty significant given that the move wiped out most of the short-term savings) and it seems that this is the time to save a bit more.  Probably I will consider not going as a kind of trade-off for a potential trip to Detroit (where driving is much more feasible or even taking the VIA train to Windsor) over spring break (assuming we just can't make it work to go to New York next year, again due to threats of travel sickness) and possibly a train ride to Montreal in April/May (in part to see Stoppard's Travesties, which really is worth a major trip).

It's a little early to say if we can take a longer visit to Chicago over the summer, or if I just pack the family off to Chicago and visit towards the end of the summer.  (That would certainly lead to less guilt if I go to Stratford and/or Shaw Festivals a couple of times).  In addition to at least a couple of plays I'd like to see, I'd certainly like to see the Milwaukee Art Museum again, and if I can figure it out, the St. Louis Art Museum as well.  But the real reason would be to go (probably for the last time) to the urban roundtables at ASA in August.

So I think I've finally come to terms with the fact that we won't be going to Chicago in December.  Now if I can be more reasonable and/or use a bit more will power with respect to late night snacking and/or stress eating, that would be a major step in the right direction.  I might write about that later, but really what is there to say?  I know what I should and shouldn't be doing, but my will power is just stretched far too thin these days...

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