
Friday, November 14, 2014

Updates to shelves

I suppose I am a bit too self-satisfied with my fiction collection: really anyone with some spare cash can put together a decent library, though I think I have done a good job in really stretching my resources.  If I recall, I had read slightly under 40% of the books on the shelves, which is certainly significant, though it would be far more impressive if I was at 75%.  Given my reading lists and rate of reading (vs. blogging and other writing), I hope to be close to 50% by 2020.  I guess I'll check back and see then.  In any case, I won't list all the books again, which I already did here, here, here and here.  I'll just update the status changes as best as I can (knowing that it is an endless task): books read, books taken off the shelves and books added.  I guess I won't worry overmuch about the purely paperback shelves, as they are still a kind of overflow area, but there is no question that in going from about 16 shelves of fiction, poetry and drama to 19, I've been able to put a lot of key books back out where they belong (even if it did mean relegating a lot of great urban studies books to storage).  If I don't do this relatively soon, I will simply forget what I did with some of these books and that would lead to difficulties later when I try to find them. So here goes.

Achebe R Things Fall Apart (removed-donated)
Isabel Allende R The House Of The Spirits (moved to paperback overflow)
Kingsley Amis Omnibus (Jake's Thing/Stanley and the Women/The Old Devils) (added)
Kingsley Amis R Lucky Jim (added)
Martin Amis The Rachel Papers (added)
Martis Amis R London Fields (added)
Martis Amis R Money (moved to storage)
Margaret Atwood R Cat's Eye (moved to paperback overflow)
Margaret Atwood The Blind Assassin (added)
Margaret Atwood Oryx and Crake (added)
Margaret Atwood R The Edible Woman (moved to paperback overflow)
Jane Austen Emma (added)
Paul Auster Moon Palace (added)
Balzac The Human Comedy -- NYRB (added)
Frederick Barthelme The Law of Averages (added to TBRD pile)
Samuel Beckett Complete Dramatic Works (added)
Samuel Beckett R Waiting for Godot (removed-donated)
Samuel Beckett R Krapp's Last Tape (removed-donated)
Samuel Beckett R Endgame (removed-donated)
Samuel Beckett Three Novels (moved to paperback overflow)
Madison Smartt Bell R The Washington Square Ensemble (moved to storage)
Saul Bellow R The Adventures of Augie March (moved to paperback overflow)
Saul Bellow R The Dean's December (moved to paperback overflow)
Andrew Bely Petersburg (added)
John Berryman Collected Poems (added)
E. Bove Quicksand (added)
Elizabeth Bowen R The Death of the Heart (added, read, then moved downstairs)
Elizabeth Bowen R The House in Paris (read and then donated)
Marie-Claire Blais R Mad Shadows (moved to paperback overflow)
George Bowering R Delayed Mercy (added)
George Bowering R Vermeer's Light (added)
George Bowering R Burning Water (moved to paperback overflow)
T.C. Boyle Tooth and Claw (added)
T.C. Boyle Drop City (added to TBRD pile)
Macolm Bradbury To the Hermitage (added)
Joe Brainard Collected Writings (added)
Bertolt Brecht Three-Penny Opera (added)
Morley Callaghan -- all moved to paperback overflow with exception of More Joy in Heaven, which was actually read and then donated
Eileen Chang Love in a Fallen City (added to TBRD pile)
U. Chatterjee English, August: An Indian Story (added)
John Cheever The Stories (added)
Joseph Conrad Under Western Eyes (added)
Julio Cortazar 62: A Model Kit (moved to paperback overflow)
Albert Cossery R The Jokers (added to TBRD pile)
Albert Cossery R Proud Beggars (added to TBRD pile)
Robert Creeley Collected Poems 1945-75 (read entire volume)
e e cummings The Enormous Room (added to TBRD pile)
Michael Cunningham The Hours (moved to TBRD pile)
Machado de Assis The Alienist (added)
Don DeLillo Falling Man (moved to paperback overflow)
Ignoacio deLoyola Brandao And Still the Earth (added)
Thomas De Quincey R Confessions of an English Opium Eater (moved to storage)
Kiran Desai Hullabaloo in the Guava Orchard (added)
G.V. Desani All About H. Hatterr (added)
Pietro Di Donato Christ in Concrete (moved to storage)
Isak Dinesen Seven Gothic Tales (added)
Isak Dinesen Winter Tales (added)
Isak Dinesen Last Tales (added)
Dostoevsky R The Gambler & The Double (read and then donated)
Dostoevsky Great Short Works (moved to paperback overflow)
Lawrence Durrell The Black Book (added)
Friedrich Dürrenmatt R The Physicists (added)
George Eliot Daniel Deronda (added, then donated)
George Eliot R Middlemarch (added to paperback overflow)
Ralph Ellison R Invisible Man (moved to paperback overflow)
William Faulkner R The Reivers (moved to paperback overflow)
Timothy Findley R Headhunter (moved to storage)
Timothy Findley From Stone Orchard (added)
Timothy Findley Dust to Dust (added)
Donald Finkel Not So the Chairs (added)
Theodor Fontane Effi Briest (added)
Ford Madox Ford R The Good Soldier (added)
Carlos Fuentes  A Change of Skin (added)
Carlos Fuentes Terra Nostra (added)
Athol Fugard Port Elizabeth Plays (including Master Harold and the Boys, Blood Knot and Hello and Goodbye) (added)
Athol Fugard Township Plays (including The Coat, The Island and Sizwe Bansi is Dead) (added)
Gadda R That Awful Mess on Via Merulana (moved to storage)
Damon Galgut The Imposter (moved to TBRD pile)
Damon Galgut Small Circle of Beings (added to TBRD pile)
Garcia Marquez Memories of My Melancholy Whores (added)
Gaskell Wives and Daughters (moved to paperback overflow)
N. Gogol Dead Souls (added)
Artie Gold Collected Books (added)
Richard Greenberg Eastern Standard (added)
Graham Greene R Travels With My Aunt (moved to storage)
Graham Greene R Monsignor Quixote (added)
Grossmith R Diary of a Nobody (read and donated)
Alan Harrington R Life in the Crystal Palace (added, skimmed then donated)
Nathaniel Hawthorne Tales and Sketches (added)
Hogg R Memoirs of a Justified Sinner (read and moved to storage)
Jerome K Jerome R Three Men in a Boat (added)
Nagai Kafu American Stories (added)
Molly Keane R Good Behaviour (added and read, then moved to storage)
Molly Keane R Time After Time (added)
Molly Keane R Loving and Giving - aka Queen Lear (added)
Jane Kenyon R From Room to Room (donated)
Barbara Kingsolver R The Poisonwood Bible (added)
Ivan Klima R Love and Garbage (read and donated)
Aaron Kramer R The Burning Bush (added)
Aaron Kramer Wicked Time (added)
Sigizmund Krzhizhanovsky The Letter Killers Club (added)
Margaret Laurence R A Jest of God (read and donated)
Margaret Laurence The Fire Dwellers (moved to paperback overflow)
Margaret Laurence The Stone Angel (moved to paperback overflow)
Margaret Laurence A Bird In the House (moved to paperback overflow)
Margaret Laurence The Diviners (moved to paperback overflow)
Jonathan Lethem R Chronic City (added, read and moved downstairs)
David Lodge Therapy (moved to TBRD pile)
David Lodge The British Museum Is Falling Down (moved to paperback overflow)
Malcolm Lowry Under the Volcano (added)
Hugh MacLennan R Two Solitudes (read and moved to storage)
Olivia Manning The Balkan Trilogy (added to TBRD pile)
Olivia Manning The Levant Trilogy (added to TBRD pile)
Paule Marshall The Fisher King (added to TBRD pile)
W. Somerset Maugham Great Novels (including The Moon and Sixpence and The Magician) (added)
W. Somerset Maugham The Painted Veil (added)
W. Somerset Maugham The Razor's Edge (added)
W. Somerset Maugham Cakes and Ale (added)
Suzette Mayr Monoceros (added)
Brian Moore R The Luck of Ginger Coffey (added to paperback overflow)
Phaswane Mpe R Welcome to Our Hillbrow (added)
D. Mueenuddin In Other Rooms, Other Wonders (added)
Bharati Mukherjee The Tree Bride (added)
Bharati Mukherjee Desirable Daughters (added)
Mutis The Adventures of Maqrol (added)
Naipaul R The Enigma of Arrival (added, read and donated)
Naipaul The Mystic Masseur (added)
Naipaul The Nightwatchman's Occurrence Book (added)
Irene Nemirovsky David Golder/The Ball/Snow in Autumn/The Courilof Affair (added)
Pablo Neruda World's End (added)
Ken Norris Hotel Montreal (added)
George Orwell A Collection of Essays (added)
George Orwell In Tribune (added)
Iris Owens R After Claude  (read and discarded)
Georges Perec A Void (added)
Georges Perec Life: A User's Manual (added)
Andrey Platonov R The Foundation Pit (added and read)
J.F. Powers The Stories of J.F. Powers (added)
J.F. Powers Wheat That Springeth Green (added)
Marcel Proust R Remembrance of Things Past (read! and discarded)
Thomas Pynchon Against the Day (added)
Thomas Pynchon Bleeding Edge (added)
Thomas Pynchon Inherent Vice (added)
Rabelais R Gargantua and Pantagruel (moved to paperback overflow)
Philip Roth Zuckerman Bound R (added)
Philip Roth Exit Ghost (added)
Philip Roth Nemeses (added)
Gabrielle Roy R The Tin Flute (read and moved to storage)
Gabrielle Roy R The Cashier (read and moved to storage)
Gabrielle Roy R Street of Riches (moved to paperback overflow)
Tayeb Salih Season of Migration to the North (added)
Kamila Shamsie Burnt Shadows
Kamila Shamsie R Broken Verses
Karl Shapiro R The Wild Card (added)
I.B. Singer Enemies: A Love Story (added)
Tess Slesinger R The Unpossessed (read and moved to storage?)
Patrick Somerville R The Universe in Miniature in Miniature (read and donated)
Soseki Kokero (added)
Tom Stoppard R The Coast of Utopia (read)
Tom Stoppard R Travesties (adde and read)
Susan Swan R The Biggest Modern Woman in the World (added)
James Tate Return to the City of White Donkeys (added)
Elizabeth Taylor Complete Short Stories (added)
Elizabeth Taylor At Mrs. Lippincote's (added)
Elizabeth Taylor R A View of the Harbour (added)
Elizabeth Taylor R A Game of Hide and Seek (added, read and moved to storage)
Elizabeth Taylor In a Summer Season (added)
Elizabeth Taylor Mrs Palfrey at the Claremont (added)
Elizabeth Taylor Blaming (added)
Cam Themba R Requiem for Sophiatown (added)
James Thurber 92 Stories (added to TBRD pile)
Leo Tolstoy Great Short Works (read remaining short works)
Michel Trembley Chroniques du plateau de Mont-Royal (Fr) (added)
Lionel Trilling The Liberal Imagination (added to TRBD pile)
John Updike Licks of Love (added)
Constance Urdang American Earthquakes (added)
Constance Urdang Natural History (moved downstairs)
Mario Vargas Llosa R Conversation in the Cathedral (added)
Mario Vargas Llosa R The War of the End of the World (added)
Mario Vargas Llosa Captain Pantoja and the Special Service (added)
Mario Vargas Llosa Making Waves (added)
Pablo Vierci The Imposters (added)
Kurt Vonnegut Novels & Stories 1976–1985 (Slapstick; Jailbird; Deadeye Dick; Galápagos) (added)
George Walker The East End Plays vol. 1 and 2 (added)
Robert Walser R Jakob von Gunten (added, though I may donate this to UT library as they have lost their copy after I have read it)
Sylvia Townsend Warner R Mr. Fortune (read and donated)
Edmund White Skinned Alive (moved to TBRD pile)
John Edgar Wideman The Stories of J.E. Wideman (moved to storage)
Tom Wolfe Bonfire of the Vanities (moved to TBRD pile)
Sol Yurick R The Bag (moved to storage?)
Stefan Zweig Beware of Pity (added)
Stefan Zweig The Burning Secret (added)
Stefan Zweig Kaleidoscope (2 vols) (added)

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