
Monday, September 4, 2017

Long weekend - Day 2

Considering this ended up being a very long day indeed, I'll keep it fairly brief.

I finally was able to access this data I had requested months back, so I downloaded it and started to process it.  I was nearly done when I found there was some error in the 4th file, so I will either have to download again or find out exactly where the errors are.  It's probably about the same amount of time either way.  As I got pretty deep into this, I actually skipped lunch.

Since I wanted to squeeze in a trip to the gym (and getting a few groceries), I decided to just press on.  I kept the trip to the gym on the short side, but I did make it, so I have completely backslid (it is always so easy to come up with excuses not to go).

I got back just before 5 and drew up some math problems for the kids (I've been trying to make sure they are ready to go back to school on Tues.).  I also read a few pages of French to my daughter but had to cut that short.

My wife and I then went out to see the Depeche Mode concert at the ACC.  We had sort of wanted to avoid the opening act (Warpaint) but in the end we caught the whole act.  Maybe it was just as well, since they had the lights completely down, and it was very hard finding one's seat in the dark.  While Warpaint's music is pretty decent (somewhat complex), I didn't care much for the lyrics or the vocals, so it was a relief when they wrapped up.

Depeche Mode put on a good show, though their huge speakers blocked the video screen(!) and they drew very heavily on the new album Spirit, which I haven't listened to at all.  The setlist is already up.  They played 5 songs off of Spirit. Somewhat surprisingly (since they want to show that they still are writing new music), they only played 2 off of Sounds of the Universe and only one off of Playing the Angel and nothing off of Delta Machine.  I really liked "Wrong," but wasn't blown away by "Corrupt."  I would definitely have substituted for another song or two off of Playing the Angel, such as "John the Revelator" or "Suffer Well."  My wife was a bit disappointed that they hadn't played "Strange Love" or "Personal Jesus."  We assumed that they were going to wrap up after the Bowie "Heroes" cover, but they went on to finish with "I Feel You" and "Personal Jesus."  (So almost a whole second set rather than an encore.)  It was really notable how much more energy there was in the stadium when they played the older material, so they might have drawn a bit more on it or done some medleys to make sure that the hits were covered.

Anyway, I am pretty wiped out now.  Tomorrow, I somehow have to find the time to read through some reports for work, and try to clean up that data set I mentioned.  Plus edit three short plays and perhaps write another one.  And if I have any energy after that, perhaps work more on the quilt and cook dinner.  So not exactly a restful Labour Day!

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