
Monday, September 4, 2017

Long weekend - Day 3

I should have mentioned that apparently there was an Air show going on over Toronto.  It was far more noticeable yesterday, but there were still a few noisy fly-bys this afternoon.  I spent a reasonable amount of time outside, reading all these various policy papers.  (It was good that I got that fresh air, since it is raining now.)  Now I just need to type up my notes.  I didn't get very far on the creative writing, but I guess there is still the evening, though I also promised I would do some cooking for tomorrow's meal.

I'm still kind of annoyed over missing out on the Rushdie reading (and I am definitely not standing in line to see if I can squeak in), but I did order a signed copy of one of his books, and I might order one more.  I think that will basically make up for missing out.

Now back to work (and then later to cooking).

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