
Thursday, April 19, 2018

Fringe progress

Several positive steps over the last few days.  I have settled on the casting.  One actor pulled out due to conflicts over the summer, but I was able to find a suitable replacement very quickly.  I'm really looking forward to getting the whole cast together and see what they can do.

I also went over to the school (Danforth Tech) and saw the classroom.  It was quite large, so it should easily hold 25 patrons, the 4 students (plus a volunteer or two), both teachers, the stage manager and myself.  I could probably even go to 27 patrons, but that might just be pushing my luck, since I will need to bring the extra chairs and desks in each time.

I now need to work through the permitting process and find out how much it costs.  I'll try to add at least a couple of extra days so the final rehearsals can be in the space, and then the one day prior to the show for a tech rehearsal, not that I am expecting to have to do too much since there are no lighting effects to speak of.  I'll know more fairly soon.

I'm quite close to having the poster ready, but I have to move quickly, since it is all due this Friday.

I'm thinking of one of these two variants, but with the show name a bit more prominent.  I haven't decided if the cast names are on this version or just the post card version.  I'll look at some past Fringe materials for guidance.  The #2 pencil shading glares in a lot of places and just isn't quite dark enough, so I will just fill in with black ink instead.  I tried an alien face as well, but it just didn't come out because of where the spaces are between the columns.  Anyway, I had better wrap up tonight due to the deadline.

Unfortunately, that also means the production team should be named by tomorrow (if they are going on the website), but it doesn't look like that will be firmed up in time.  I have several good prospects, but I don't think we'll come to terms in time.  Well, there is always the program that I hand out for that.

Sunday will be a big step in that it will be the first read through.  Very excited to see how it works as a whole!


I've mostly gotten the material ready for the deadline (this afternoon).  I cleaned up the image, and it definitely looks better.  If I end up producing any postcards, then I'll want to go back to using a background with more contrast, but I think this is ok for the Fringe program.

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