
Sunday, April 15, 2018

Worst spring ever

Anyone living in Toronto will be forgiven for thinking this is basically the worst spring ever.  Easter was quite chilly, though at least dry, for our street-wide Easter egg hunt.  I've only managed to bike a few times between the cold and the rain.

The weekend has been a complete wipe out with freezing rain, accumulating a couple of inches everywhere.  I did force myself to go outside yesterday to go see a play at Soulpepper* and I picked up dry cleaning on the way home.  It was really not nice out with mini-hail everywhere.

This morning it was still coming down with the freezing rain, though it had lightened up a bit, so I went and bought groceries.  However, a few things were not in stock, so I guess I will force myself to go over the bridge to the mall.  I might as well go to the gym while I am there.  But the wind has really picked up, so I am going to wait an hour or so to see if it dies down before heading out again.**  I actually had free tickets to a show, but it is all the way across town, and I am just not willing to travel that far.  Too bad, as it will probably be very hard for them to attract much of an audience today.  (Not that I don't have plenty to do at home.)

I suspect all the flowers that were starting to come up in the yard will die off now.  I am just so sick of this.  While it will warm up towards evening, we have two more days of rain, before maybe catching a break on Wed.  So unpleasant.

* It was actually George Brown students putting on The Provoked Wife by John Vanbrugh.  I think only 20 or so people turned up, almost all of them with children or grandchildren in the show.  It was pretty good, though too long (~3 hours).

** If anything it actually got worse, especially on the way back from the mall.  I almost fell twice on the bridge.  Then shoveling this stuff was almost heart-attack inducing, it was so heavy and dense.  I can't imagine it will all be melted by the morning, so it looks like it will be boots yet again.

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