
Saturday, May 19, 2018

Art on the Long Weekend, pt. 1

As a follow-up to this post, I thought I would mention two exhibits I overlooked.  There is an exhibit dedicated to Manolo Blahnik at the Bata Shoe Museum, which runs through the end of the year.  Now this is not something that interests me, but some might find it interesting.

Of more personal interest, at the Textile Museum there is an exhibit featuring Jane Kidd's tapestries through June 10.  Then on May 30, a contemporary quilting exhibit opens and runs through late Sept.  I should be able to time it right to see both exhibits.

In any event, I did make it over to the Gardiner to see the Yoko Ono exhibit.

Unfortunately, you can't take any photos of the special exhibit.  It is mostly a place to meditate among the stones (the first part) or to try to repair broken pottery and compose witty messages to the world.  In some ways, the second and third parts had a lot of the randomness of a Cage exhibit.  I didn't spend as much time as I should have there (I was worried about being late for the TorQ concert), but I feel I got the general points of the exhibit.  This runs for another few weeks.

I did really like these contemporary pieces on the main floor.  One I'd seen before, but I don't recall seeing the Chagall before.

Marc Chagall, Lovers, 1957
Victor Cicansky, Armchair Garden #1, 1984

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