
Saturday, May 19, 2018

Ready for the Long Wet Weekend

I wouldn't say things are completely under control, but I am heading into this three-day weekend in a better frame of mind than usual.  I was hit with a surprise piece of work at the beginning of the week, but managed to deliver a preliminary report by Friday.  I also drafted the first draft of a memo that I had kind of been avoiding (the first draft is always the hardest).  The only real work I have to do over the weekend is academic work in support of a couple of TRB papers.  While there will be a crunch there, this is far more intellectually stimulating, so I will tackle it a bit more cheerfully.

I even had good news on the Fringe front, as a director I had been chasing has finally committed to the project.  I don't really know how well the final product will come off (or how many tickets I sell and thus how bad the financial losses will be), but I've basically done as much as I can do from my end.

This is all quite welcome, as I have been dog tired all week, having to work extra hours and just generally not taking as much care of myself as I should.  I do wish the weather was better, though now the forecast is saying that the rain on Saturday should slow down by the late afternoon.  Sunday should mostly be overcast but probably won't rain too much, though I might want to hold off on the groceries until I am fairly sure any rain is over.  Monday should be pretty nice, and perhaps I'll take the kids for a walk in the park (it might be too wet to do much, but we might be able to toss a frisbee or even fly a kite).  I don't have anything specific planned for once.  Though I actually have a fair bit of reading to catch up on, so it might not be that bad to stay a bit closer to home.

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