
Sunday, November 4, 2018

Mystery Theatre

Good news, everyone!

I just heard that my short piece, So Not Worth It, which is indeed set in the near future (when climate change is really kicking in and kicking everyone's ass), has been accepted to Sing-for-Your-Supper.  It's online here (for those of you who don't want to spend the carbon coming in person).

Interestingly, they are having trouble finding a spot to host the evening of shorts.  Given that it is Monday night, the time is pretty tight, and it might end up getting pushed a week back.  Hopefully, I will know something soon, and I'll try to circle back around and post the deets here.  Ciao for now.

Edit (11/6) I got a truly last minute email saying that they were going to put on the evening in some random condo board party room.  Which was pretty weird, but they said that, in a first, there would be free snacks and even free beverages.  Hard to pass that deal up.  I did get slightly lost on the way there, but made it in time.  There were a full five pieces on the line-up, and I thought all were pretty good in different ways.  The last one was pretty involved, and the (newby) writer brought props, so definitely an author after my own heart.  I'll be quite interested to see what she does next.  I may or may not submit for Dec., since I think they'll be on the far west side of the city, but in Jan., we should be back at Tarragon, which is just a lot easier for me to deal with.  My piece went over well, though it could have been even a bit longer (I simply ran out of time last week).  I did feel badly for one of the actors, who quite frankly seems to be losing his eyesight.  He's had trouble with the scripts before, blaming it on the light or what have you, but he gave up completely and passed me the script, so I stepped in at the last minute.  I do hope he manages to have that looked at before it gets any worse.

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