
Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Return to Sanity?

Tuesday was definitely a step in the right direction, though there were a few Senate races that ended up being disappointments.  Trump is certainly going to find it a lot less fun being in Washington when he can't get anything through Congress (and is the subject of endless probes starting in the House).  Too bad that those absurd tax cuts already went through.  I never thought I would welcome gridlock, but it is definitely better that than having the Cheetoh-in-Chief running the country down into the ground.  Still am hoping for the break-up of the US into smaller, more reasonable countries since as it stands the red states are making the US an international laughingstock.  Probably won't happen in my lifetime, but here's hoping.  In the short-term, I am at least willing to do a bit of traveling back to the States, though Florida is definitely off the list.

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