
Saturday, March 23, 2019

Last Minute Museum Exhibit

I am very sorry not to have posted this last week, but work has been crazy and I simply ran out of time.  At any rate, the Art Museum at UToronto has two separate but related exhibits on Indian (and Indian-Canadian) artists (more info here and here).  However, both close today at 5 pm!  Again, very sorry for the short(ened) notice!

If you can't make it, there is a handout archived here.

The Art Museum is actually split between galleries on the 2nd floor of University College and then a smaller gallery space at the north end of Hart House.  Of the two, I tend to visit Hart House more, just because it is closer to other Hart House events.  Indeed, I managed to squeeze in my visit right before a matinee performance of Retreat at Hart House Theatre a couple of weeks ago.

Of the two, I did slightly prefer the exhibit in Hart House, focused on P. Mansaram. Most of the pieces were collages, with a mixture of stencil, textiles, paper and even currency all thrown into the mix.  Here are a few pieces that caught my attention.  They all appear to be from his Rear Window series.

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