
Saturday, March 23, 2019

So sore

I guess I was pushing it a little bit.  I have been so eager to get back into biking that I went out, even on days that it wasn't very nice.  Friday I actually got snowed on in the morning!  It was warmer coming back, but it was much windier than I was expecting, particularly when I was heading north.

More than anything, I am trying to shake off the winter blues.  The winter really dragged, and by the halfway point I lost most of my willpower.  I definitely gained back a fair bit of weight, and I just don't think I'll lose it back until I start biking regularly.

At any rate, it was quite cold on Sat. morning, and I ended up working around the house for a while.  Finally, a bit after noon I went over to the gym to get in a slightly shortened workout, and then I biked to work!  It wasn't so bad going there, but coming back I felt it in my legs.  Every time I had to stop and restart the bike, my legs complained.  I'm still quite sore, and I don't think I'll do this again anytime soon.  I suppose I could try the biking first and then going to the gym in the evening, but mostly I should be trying to break into this a bit more gently.  (As my wife says, I'm not a young kid anymore.  Sigh...)  My hands are generally pretty sore, but I would say they don't really ache the way they did a few months back, so that seems to be progress, even if my overall conditioning is shot.

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