
Saturday, March 30, 2019

T. Day

Yes, tax season is hitting.  I did manage to download the most important tax documents, though I need to sift through emails looking for verification of what I gave to charities.  Typically this is just $20 here and there, though I made some bigger donations this December in honor of my father.  I'm basically on track, though I think there are some extra twists this year (or rather for 2018), as I ought to add up everything I spent advertising my Fringe show and renting out rehearsal space, since I certainly didn't break even, so that loss can be counted against other gains elsewhere.

Pretty much no matter my good intentions, it always ends up being a last minute scramble, though I do have pretty good spreadsheets to help me follow what I did for last year.  Still, this is going to be a big part of the next two weekends.  Blah.

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