
Thursday, April 4, 2019

Early April Updates

Well, I guess I shouldn't be so surprised...

It did in fact snow a bit over the weekend.  Grrr.  However, what was particularly frustrating is that this was supposed to be all over by Sunday.  In fact, it was snowing Sunday morning.  While it was not pleasant, I did end up biking to work (and spent a fair chunk of time on taxes, though I am not finished with them).  But the weather never improved, and in fact it snowed and was blustery and super unpleasant all the way until 7 pm!  So the weather forecast for the weekend was truly off.  So frustrating.  I ultimately left my bike in the bike locker room at work, which meant that the work trip was unbalanced.  I then had to carry the pannier back on the subway -- and remember to take it back to work on Tuesday along with a change of clothing.  (Monday evening I went off to Sing-for-Your-Supper.)

Tuesday biking back and Wednesday wasn't too bad.  I should be able to bike on Thurs. as well.  It is definitely getting warmer on the ride back, and my hands are coping pretty well.  I suppose before too long I'll start seeing a few more people out.  For now, it's still pretty much hard core cyclists on the roads.

SFYS was quite a bit of fun.  In the end, I only had one piece (featuring two teenage mall workers) accepted, and it was put on at the very end of the night.  But it went over pretty well.  What was interesting was that both actors had French accents -- one quite strong.  So Sybil became Sibille.  Kind of wish I had recorded them.  Oh well.  While I think it is pretty unlikely I will do another evening of shorts (given how much $ I lost the last time around), I do have almost enough pieces.  This one, plus one about teens living in a post-carbon world (where they have to pedal just to keep their phones charged and working), the one about the unloved tree in the front yard and then the time travel piece.  Oh, and then the one about the break-up of a K-Pop band.  That is definitely close to enough.  At any rate, my next piece or two will be much more serious, though I don't know if they will go over quite as well.  I guess we'll see.  Now I just need to buckle down and write them.

I tried a couple different browsers, but still couldn't get Hoopla to play.  So I gave up and installed all the updates to Firefox.  Somewhat surprisingly, I was then able to get Hoopla to play, though the downside is that my ePub reader is shot.  I should probably see if there is a fairly straight-forward way to convert ePub files into something that Kindle can read, since that reader is decent.  The internet claims that Calibre can do it, so I guess I will investigate, though at this point, I really need to wait until my taxes are done.

The furnace is still giving us quite a few problems, though it bothers my wife more than me (given that I went several winters without any heat at all).  It's basically that the thermostat doesn't quite communicate to the furnace, and you have to fuss around with it and are never 100% sure it will work all the way through the night.  Ideally, we could just have the thermostat upgraded, but the furnace is pretty old and the A/C completely conked out last year, so I'm pretty sure I will end up needing to replace both as part of a package deal.  It's looking like it's going to be an expensive spring, since I also wanted to have people come out to look at the roof.  In this case, it is just preventive maintenance.  There is no leaking from the ceiling, knock wood.

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