
Thursday, March 28, 2019

The Upward Climb

I'm getting close to being back in pre-winter conditioning.  I actually biked to work 4 days this week (at least if you count a stop in over the weekend) and 3 days in a row!  That's pretty incredible, given that it is still March.  As it happens, Wed. was the first day where I wasn't questioning my sanity on the way in, due to the slightly warmer weather.  It is probably going to rain today, but even if not, I think I should take a day off to rest.  I will most likely bike Friday, and I am likely to leave work a bit early to go up to Robarts to look for some academic articles (for work) and probably to renew my alumni borrowing card. 

I'll probably hold off one more week before hitting the scales to see just how much damage this winter did.  About midway through the winter I had gained back about 5 pounds, but I think the second half of the winter was worse in the sense that I came close to losing the will to live.

One thing that I didn't do was do much swimming.  I know that I tend to do more when I can hit the Regent Park Aquatic Centre on the way home on the bike, but after the introduction of 2-hour transfer on Presto, I could have gone more over the winter.  At least I did stick to the gym routine.  One of the only downsides of so much biking (and going to the gym) is that I have so many towels to wash...

Yesterday, I sort of mixed things up a bit.  My mouth was still recovering from a filling.  It didn't hurt all that much, but the dentist used so much anesthetic that my tongue was still fairly numb and I couldn't taste much.  So instead of dinner and then the gym, I went to the gym first.  It was kind of weird, wrapping up my workout while the mall was still open.

There are plenty of other things on my mind, but they mostly revolve around the stupidity of politicians (and the populace that chose them), so I'll just end here.

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