
Sunday, May 19, 2019

Midway Through Another Long Weekend

Yesterday (Sat.) I was probably a bit busier than I strictly should have been.

I ran off and did the grocery run fairly early.  I also stopped off at the garden centre that springs up in the No Frills parking lot.  I bought a small rose bush to replace the one that finally died off last year.  (I'll have to get some tips from my next-door neighbour to keep this one alive a bit longer.)  I considered getting a climbing plant, but basically didn't have another hand free to carry another pot.  I hope to take a look at the Home Depot Garden Centre today (I assume it is open), but, if I don't like anything there, it turns out that this place will be open on Monday after all.

I then took my son to see the Infinity Room at the AGO.  This is the last week before it opens to the general public, so I am taking advantage of the slightly shorter lines during the advance screening for members.  It's pretty cool, though I liked the one from last year that looked like a star field a bit more.

It's mostly large silver balls on the floor and suspended from the ceiling and then glass bubbles inside this mirrored pillar in the centre of the room.  I've seen it twice now, and it's definitely interesting.  It will also be interesting to see how long the buzz lasts, but probably for a while.

After checking this out, I saw him off back home, and then I went into work for a while to try to straighten up my desk a bit more.

Today, I'd like to get to the gym relatively early.  (I went twice last week, once doing roughly 50% of my normal set and once 75%.  I'd probably do 75-85% today, but maybe a bit longer on the stationary bikes.)  I probably ought to see if I can get over to the Walk-In Clinic.  It is supposedly open today and tomorrow.  I think at this point I need to see about my cough, since it just doesn't seem to be getting any better.  And as I mentioned, I'll take a peek in at Home Depot.  I probably won't do any actual gardening today, as it is likely going to rain, but if I have everything, then I can spend some time on Monday planting everything.

I'd like to carve out some time so that I can finish up Musil's The Man Without Qualities.  I've wrestled it down to about 200 pages of posthumous notes remaining, and I'd just like to finish it up.  I'm not really enjoying it much any longer, since he went in such an uninteresting direction (focused on the forbidden love between Ulrich and Agathe, his faux-twin sister).  I'm also relatively likely to wrap up Bellow's Ravelstein by Monday.  It's ok (basically a fictional valediction for Allan Bloom), but I wouldn't call it a late masterpiece, as some have done.  For my money, the last truly great book Bellow wrote was The Dean's December, which I do hope to reread one of these days...

Monday should be a bit more relaxing, and I'll see about doing a bit of gardening, assuming the weather cooperates.  I suppose there is a small chance I'll carve out the three hours to see the Avengers movie (I've actually managed to avoid spoilers up to now).  And then it will be back to work.

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