
Wednesday, May 15, 2019

The Misery Continues

This is mostly about the bad weather dragging on and, probably not coincidentally, my illness as well.  I held off from going to the gym at all over the weekend, partly because I was still coughing a lot.  While I don't think I am in a contagious stage, I just didn't feel all that great.  I did manage to drag myself there Monday night for basically a half hour, and I guess that went ok.  The plan is to pretty much do the same thing tonight.

Tuesday I actually biked to work, though it was wet and drizzling in the morning.  I was so frustrated, since I hadn't seen rain in the forecast.  However, I really needed the bike on the way home, and in fact the weather did improve a fair bit.  It wasn't warm, but at least it wasn't raining and you could even see a bit of blue sky.  I was going to say that at least the weekend should be nice, but I've just checked the weather and now the overcast skies are returning.  It probably won't rain Sat., but that's about all you can say for it.  It's frankly depressing.

Work is going extremely badly, but I don't think I need to write any more about that for the moment.  I'll write something appropriate at the appropriate time.  I do have an interesting side project that looks like it is leading to a couple of academic papers, but I need to carve out more time for them.  And basically every time I look at world headlines there is something else depressing.  As one of my characters says "I don't think I'm going to miss this place or any of you"...

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