
Friday, May 10, 2019

Small Disappointments

I'm going to skip over a couple of major disappointments, as this isn't really the time to write about them, and I may have to return to this topic again soon.

The top disappointment is that I am still not completely recovered from my illness.  I am well enough to make it to work and most of the junk in my lungs has broken up, but I'm pretty tired.  I'm not going to bike to work today, even though the weather is passable.  I may be able to squeeze in a very light, reduced workout at the gym tonight, but there is no point in really pushing it.  If I am still coughing and spreading germs I won't go.*

Over the weekend, before I got quite so ill, I actually went into work with the express intent of cleaning up my desk.  While I did manage to clear out a lot of no longer needed paperwork (see overflowing blue bin), the desk itself still is pretty cluttered and chaotic.

I mean it's better than it was.  The piles are more organized and it isn't nearly as hard to find space to work (I can actually see the desk in spots), but it is a far cry from the clean desk policy that the higher ups are attempting to implement.  Definitely still a work in progress...

I just heard from the CRA, which is virtually never a pleasant experience.  While they seem to have accepted my overall tax return (for now -- they almost always come back a second or third time with changes), they are asking me to pay interest on an installment payment that was late.  The CRA, in my experience, is much, much pickier about this than the IRA, which virtually never charged me interest on taxes due.  I vaguely recall that the UK's revenue branch was quite particular about interest owed as well, though that may be a false memory.  At any rate, I'll just pay it, cross my fingers and hope that is the last I hear from them for this tax year.

I'm a bit disappointed that the Raptors lost, and it wasn't really all that close for most of the game.  While I suspect that, in the end, they will beat Philly in Game 7, these are the games you really need to win to have any kind of momentum.  I just don't think it bodes all that well for the Eastern Conference Finals.**  I mean truly, I don't actually get that wound up one way or the other about a sport for spoiled millionaires and don't actually take the time to do more than check the score online periodically (and there is something to be said for not caring at all about the outcome of the championship), but it would still be cool if the Raptors won it all.  That's looking extremely doubtful at this juncture.**

I was just at the Toronto Reference Library and found out that the 2008 edition of Angela Hewitt's The Well-Tempered Clavier has been out for "mending" since last year, which presumably means a disc was broken or something.  This means that there is no library in the city (not even UT) that has this edition in their collection.  And you can't listen to it on Spotify or Naxos nor can you stream it through iTunes.  It is possible to buy the mp3s outright through iTunes or the Hyperion store, but this is really not my preferred choice.  It just seems very unfortunate there isn't a public library option available.  If I thought they would take it into the collection (and not just sell it off), I might actually purchase a copy and donate it.  To be fair, I was able to donate a graphic novel to the special Merril SF reference collection, so that felt worth it.  Well, something to consider, since donating material that will actually be used does lift my spirits a bit.

Perhaps my next post will be about the changes to the AGO's pricing policy.  Extremely good news for those of you under 25.  But enough for now.

* Unfortunately, the hacking cough isn't really gone yet, but I may be able to get to the gym on Sat.  At this point, it's probably more about whether I am getting enough fluids and rest.

With the benefit of hindsight, this seems too pessimistic, but it really was a tough mountain to climb to get to the Finals.

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