
Monday, June 24, 2019

Low-Key Weekend

As far as I can tell it was a fairly uneventful Pride weekend here in Toronto, which is a good thing.  It was quite hot out, so I hope no one got sunstroke.  I know that the preparations were extensive, and that traffic had been blocked as early as Friday afternoon for the various parades Sat. and Sun.  I didn't really feel like going and dealing with the crowds (the Raptors parade was crazy enough!), and I had a fair number of things I had to do over the weekend.  I did find out, pretty much at the last minute, that Carly Rae Jepsen was going to be riding a float and singing, but that wasn't quite enough to tempt me out.

Instead, I dropped off a bike at the bike shop for a tune up.  I did some weeding and gardening with my daughter.  The yard is looking better though is not "done."  I did laundry, though unfortunately will have to rerun it because I felt asleep instead of putting it in the dryer.

Sunday I went to the gym and then the grocery store quite early.  Later I was able to sit outside for a while and catch up on some reading.  I'm nearly done with Douglas Adams' Life, the Universe and Everything.  This should be the third time through the trilogy proper, and it will be the second time I've read So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish.  I'm not entirely sure* I read Mostly Harmless before.

I'm also making decent progress on Ovid's Metamorphoses.  I had already dipped into the Raeburn translation (Penguin) and didn't care that much for it.  I then checked out Melville's translation (Oxford) and found it kind of stuffy.  Also he was such a jerk about running down other translators, including Humphries, so I returned it right away.  Mandelbaum tries too hard to render the poem into rhyming couplets.  In the end, I am going to stick with Humphries, but will also check out Golding, which is the version with which Shakespeare was familiar.

I didn't make quite as much progress on cleaning up the back room as I would like.  Given that I have company coming in about two weeks, I definitely need to start on that!  Also, I should try to wrap up some bureaucratic business.  I might be able to get that done before heading off to work.  Finally, I should probably just bite the bullet and book our summer travel (planning on heading to DC in August).  Next weekend I'll probably be doing more external events, including the winding down of the Jazz Fest and then the weekend after that is Toronto Fringe, so having one relatively quiet weekend is a good thing.

* Going through some Goodreads reviews, I am quite certain I haven't read this book.  A few fans are quite adamant that this book spoils everything that came before (and recommend skipping it), though I'll still give it a shot.

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