
Monday, June 17, 2019

Rap Parade

I'll come back around later tonight to flesh this out, but I thought I would share a few of my photos from the parade.  I have the mixed pleasure of working right next to Union Station, so when there are major events, it is quite the drag to get to work, to say nothing of getting into and out of the building itself.  However, I biked to work today, avoiding the masses of extra people on the TTC and GO trains.  A smart choice, though a bit later in the day I had to move my bike inside to prevent people from climbing up on it to get a better view.

There really wasn't anything to see for hours, and I decided I really didn't want to stand outside in the crowd waiting.  Aside from that, I did have work to do...

But we had a decent viewing area from the 2nd and 3rd floors, and I did gravitate back in time to see Nick Nurse on his own ahead of the pack.

Then it was the mascot and a float.  Then Drake's Jeep, though I think he had gravitated back to the team bus.  Then finally we had two or even three team buses.

I can't actually tell if it is Leonard or Lowry or someone else holding the trophy, but I did see the trophy with my own eyes.  Despite all the years I lived in Chicago, this is actually the first time I've been this close to a victory parade!  It is probably Ibaka taking selfies from the top of the bus, but I'm not actually sure.

Aside from the extremely unfortunate and selfish actions of the people who fired a gun at Nathan Phillips Square (4 injured, though apparently not life-threatening), it was actually a pretty amazing and mellow crowd.  I think there were very few incidents along the way.  All in all, a fairly amazing day, and even the weather cooperated.

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