
Monday, September 16, 2019

Bright Spots

Things are definitely pretty gloomy right now, in the world generally and in my home life.  But there are a few things worth celebrating or looking forward to.

It sounds as if there is a reasonable chance that Gary Larson is restarting The Far Side in one form or another.  (I don't think they would bother announcing anything if it was just the old comics in a new format (Old Wine in New Bottles), but one never knows.)  I was pretty excited a couple of years ago when Berke Breathed restarted Bloom County.  I don't usually remember to check in on his homepage for the daily strips, but I have been buying his new collections as they come out, and they are pretty solid.  In some cases, even more profound than the old strips from the 80s.

While this second item is mostly of interest to the bookish, scholars believe that they have uncovered a First Folio with John Milton's hand-written comments in the margins.  How cool!  I assume that, if this is proven true, then the entire thing will be digitized at some point, and then students can write all these papers on how Shakespeare influenced Milton, etc.

Third (and perhaps actually the most exciting for me) is that there is another blockbuster show (on top of Diane Arbus) coming to the AGO in 2020 - Picasso and the blue period.  That's one I will check out several times for sure.

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