
Friday, September 20, 2019

Tired of Trudeau

This is really the last straw for me.  I don't actually get to vote in Canada, so it is all pretty hypothetical, but I'm not entirely sure what I would do if I had the vote.  I generally am centre-left and vastly prefer the Liberal platform to the NDP's, but I am so tired of Trudeau and his terrible judgment.  The ridiculous trip to India and now the brownface from his past.  (Actually, I generally gave him a pass for the SNC-Lavalin "scandal.")  Maybe I wouldn't care quite as much if he hadn't been such a sanctimonious prick about what a feminist he was and how much he was going to do towards reconciliation.  And now this.  It never crossed his mind that this would come up, and therefore maybe he needed to tone it down a bit in 2015???  I think what really kills me is that he was 29 at the time of his Arabian Nights party and it was 2001 (to paraphrase the man himself).  By the 90s, it was well known that one should avoid blackface and brownface (remember Ted Danson... -- that happened in 1993).

While it is far too late for the Liberals to ditch him in 2019, maybe the best case scenario is that he pulls off a minor miracle and, after the election, ends up leading a minority government (with the Greens propping him up), takes some time to think these things over and agrees to step aside for a new leader by 2021 or so.  Wishful thinking, I know, but I just can't bear the thought of Scheer (aka Harper Lite) in charge...  But I guess I won't be too surprised (or even all that upset honestly) if the electorate agrees that Trudeau has worn out his welcome.

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